What are the benefits of long domain name SEO for website optimization

2022-05-01 栏目:Industry dynamics 查看(6,249)

Many users who have come into contact with the website should be very clear that if you want to have a successful website, you must first buy a high-quality domain name。Domain name for the success of a website,Its importance is self-evident.,And Shenzhen website construction - desert wind Xiaobian also believe,Many users have heard of it,The benefits of old domain name site for SEO optimization,On this point should be all engaged in SEO optimization friends will inevitably come into contact with this topic,So the old domain name is helpful to website SEO,It's worth what it is?Today, Xiaobian will give you detailed answers。


First, help the website through the sandbox period
"Sandbox effect" This for many engaged in SEO optimization webmaster,Should be familiar,Or very familiar,New domain name websites generally appear sandbox effect observation period,Even at the beginning of the station,If the number of outer chains suddenly increases rapidly,Rather than natural growth,It's easy for search engines to get suspicious,Thinks the site cheats,So much so that the site received a penalty from the search engine was deleted。However, if the site is built using the old domain name, there will be no concerns in this regard, as long as the increase is regular, even if the number of points does not matter, there will be no website by k。
Second, website revision, ranking is easy to restore
Website revision for the website keyword ranking, website weight and traffic impact is very great, this is believed to have a lot of corporate websites or engaged in SEO optimization webmaster should be very clear, especially the new station, frequent revision may face the risk of being closed。However, the old domain name website revision situation will be much better, as long as it is not too large and frequent changes in the website structure, then basically there will not be too big problems, even if there is a small adjustment or snapshot back file, the later slowly maintenance, will still quickly recover。


Third, can inherit the weight of the original website
In the process of website construction, the use of the old domain name will have the advantage of weight inheritance, that is, under normal circumstances, the old domain name will have a better weight in the search engine, so the old domain name will have its unique advantages。Although the major search engines have declared that the domain name has expired and then re-registered, the weight will be small, but the domain name weight after the expiration also takes time to disappear, as long as it is re-enabled before it completely disappears, the weight of the old domain name can still be recovered。
Four, conducive to website inclusion
In general,Relatively old domain names take a long time to register,Even if you can't post updates every day,Or many of the articles published are pseudo-original,I haven't even updated my article for a long time,There is no problem,Just pick it up again,Update articles daily,Perform corresponding maintenance,Then Baidu will still soon include your updated article,Snapshots are also updated faster,And the weight and ranking given are not too low。
Fifth, to improve the keyword ranking
For the ranking of website keywords, I believe this is a lot of website companies are concerned about the problem, from the domain name alone, the longer the domain name registration time of the website relative key ranking easier to optimize。However, this is not absolute, if your website has not been updated and does not increase the external chain, even if the domain name of your website is the old domain name, but the keyword ranking can not always be on the page, it may drop to 100 outside。
Six, the first sky chain advantage
External chain construction,The old domain has inherent advantages that the new domain does not have,Because when the old domain name was deactivated before the original site,It has accumulated a very rich external chain,And though with time precipitation,When the old domain name is activated again, the number of external links is not as good as before,But what remains is a relatively stable, high-quality external chain。At this time, there is an old saying: "predecessors plant trees, future generations enjoy the shade," which is particularly suitable to describe the current situation。
Warm reminder:
Website construction using old domain names can bring great benefits to SEO optimization,But this is not absolute,After all, everything has its pros and cons,If you choose to do a garbage station before life, have been punished by the search engine,The domain name of the site that has defects in the search engine,Not only will it not help SEO optimization,It may even cause some adverse effects

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